Green marketing and green supply chain have been drawing the attention of both academics and practitioners in the recent decade. However, no holistic framework has been developed on how to build green industrial brands and industrial corporate brands. Whether or not sustainable/green supply chains can be integrated with green industrial marketing in building greener organizations and industrial brands is still unclear. In addition, little is known on the factors on green new industrial product development or how green new industrial products are adopted by organizations. Furthermore, we know little of whether and how green supply chain enables green newindustrial product development. This special issue aims at reflecting themost recent advances on green industrial marketing, green/sustainable supply chains and their interplay in green industrial branding, and to explore future research directions. The guest editors hope that the solicited papers can provide insights on the impacts of sustainable or green supply chains on marketing theory in industrial and business-to-business markets.
Keywords: Sustainability, Green marketing, Green supply chain, Industrial marketing
Author(s): Hing Kai Chan, Hongwei He, William Y.C. Wang
Source: Industrial Marketing Management 41 (2012) 557–562
Subject: مدیریت بازاریابی
Category: مقاله مجله
Release Date: 2012
Building brand loyalty has become more important, yet more difficult to achieve in today’s marketplace. This research investigates a possible avenue for building brand loyalty that is not directly related to the marketing of the product – attracting individual investors in the brand’s corporate parent. A survey of over 500 individual investors revealed that individual investors do tend to buy brands from companies in which they hold stock, and investors may buy stock in a company because they have
experience with the brand. In contrast with brand loyalty, where consumers will not buy competitive offerings, individual investors indicated they would buy competitive offerings, suggesting that stock ownership is more likely to lead to repeat purchase behavior, but not brand loyalty.
Keywords: Brand loyalty, Repeat buying, Buying behaviour, Investors, stocks and shares
Author(s): Denise D. Schoenbachler, Geoffrey L. Gordon and, Timothy W. Aurand
Source: Journal of Product & Brand Management, Volume 13-Number 7 · 2004 · pp. 488-497
Subject: مدیریت بازاریابی
Category: مقاله مجله
Release Date: 2004
Business-to-Business (B2B) services companies invest heavily in acquiring very expensive assets that they hire out to serve their clients (e.g. UPS buys huge warehouses and hires them out to companies), and hence they engage in careful longterm planning and forecasting, especially when it concerns a new market. It is interesting to note that the client-firms, on the other hand, decide to hire those assets based mostly on the prevailing short-term market forces. Hence, it is important for the
companies which provide the assets for hire to also build the prevailing short-term market trends into their long-term forecasting and planning. In this paper, we develop a model for tracking these two simultaneously evolving and interacting patterns, namely the asset-availability (i.e. supply) and utilization (i.e. demand) patterns, in order to better understand the underlying processes, and thereby provide a basis for better forecasting. We test our models using three sets of data collected from the oil drilling industry, and find the proposed model to provide a good fit and forecasting efficiency.
Keywords: Marketing; B2B service; Knowledge updating; Demand and supply; Oil drilling
Author(s): Trichy V. Krishnana, Shanfei Fengb, , Tony Beebec
Source: International Journal of Forecasting 27 (2011) 1160–1177
Subject مدیریت بازاریابی :
Category مقاله مجله :
Release Date: 2011