مقالات و تحقیق آماده

مقالات و تحقیق آماده

ارائه محصولات فایلی و دانلودی برای شما عزیزان
مقالات و تحقیق آماده

مقالات و تحقیق آماده

ارائه محصولات فایلی و دانلودی برای شما عزیزان

دانلود کتاب نگاهی طولانی به تحقیق و عمل در تحقیق در عملیات و علم مدیریت: گذشته و آینده (انگلیسی)

کتاب نگاهی طولانی به تحقیق و عمل در تحقیق در عملیات و علم مدیریت: گذشته و آینده (انگلیسی)
فرمت فایل دانلودی: .pdf
فرمت فایل اصلی: pdf
تعداد صفحات: 299
حجم فایل: 3838 کیلوبایت
قیمت: 35000 تومان


کتاب نگاهی طولانی به تحقیق و عمل در تحقیق در عملیات و علم مدیریت: گذشته و آینده (انگلیسی)، در قالب فایل pdf.

A Long View of Research and Practice in Operations Research and Management Science - The Past and the Future

ManMohan S. Sodhi · Christopher S. Tang

Springer 2010

299 Pages

This book contains a collection of chapters written by leading scholars/practitioners who have continued their efforts in developing and/or implementing innovative OR/MS tools for solving real-world problems. In this book, the contributors share their perspectives about the past, present, and future of OR/MS theoretical development, solution tools, modeling approaches, and applications.
Specifically, this book collects chapters that offer insights about the following topics:
• Survey articles taking a long view over the past two or more decades to arrive at the present state of the art while outlining ideas for future research. Surveys focus on use of a particular OR/MS approach, e.g., mathematical programming (LP, MILP, etc.), and solution methods for particular family of application, e.g.,
• distribution system design, distribution planning system, health care.
• Autobiographical or biographical accounts of how particular inventions (e.g., structured modeling) were made. These could include personal experiences in early development of OR/MS and an overview of what has happened since.
• Development of OR/MS mathematical tools (e.g., stochastic programming, optimization theory).
• Development of OR/MS in a particular industry sector such as global supply chain management.
• Modeling systems for OR/MS and their development over time as well as speculation on future development (e.g., LINDO, LINGO, and What’s Best!).
• New applications of OR/MS models (e.g., happiness).



1 - Introduction: A Long View of Research and Practice in Operations Research and Management Science
ManMohan S. Sodhi, Christopher S. Tang

Part I - A Long View of the Past

2 - Economic Planning Models for India in the 1960s
Donald Erlenkotter

3 - The Persistence and Effectiveness of Large-Scale Mathematical Programming Strategies: Projection, Outer Linearization, and Inner Linearization
John R. Birge

4 - Multicommodity Distribution System Design by Benders Decomposition
A. M. Geoffrion, G. W. Graves

5 - Structured Modeling and Model Management
Daniel Dolk

6 - Retrospective: 25 Years Applying Management Science to Logistics
Richard Powers

7 - Optimization Tradecraft: Hard-Won Insights from Real-World Decision Support
Gerald G. Brown, Richard E. Rosenthal

Part II A Long View of the Future

8 - Challenges in Adding a Stochastic Programming/Scenario Planning Capability to a General Purpose Optimization Modeling System
Mustafa Atlihan, Kevin Cunningham, Gautier Laude, and Linus Schrage

9 - Advances in Business Analytics at HP Laboratories
Business Optimization Lab, HP Labs, Hewlett-Packard

10 - Global Trade Process and Supply Chain Management
Hau L. Lee

11 - Sustainable Globally Integrated Enterprise (GIE)
Grace Lin, Ko-Yang Wang

12 - Cyberinfrastructure and Optimization
Robert Fourer

13 - Perspectives on Health-Care Resource Management Problems
Jonathan Turner, Sanjay Mehrotra, Mark S. Daskin

14 - Optimizing Happiness
Manel Baucells, Rakesh K. Sarin

15 - Conclusion: A Long View of Research and Practice in Operations Research and Management Science
ManMohan S. Sodhi, Christopher S. Tang

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